

Feb 5, 2024 9:59 PM


The Training section of the Bot CoAi app is an essential component for improving and refining your chatbot's capabilities. Here, you will find inputs from users that the chatbot couldn't answer, allowing you to strengthen its understanding and enhance future interactions.



Training is all about teaching your chatbot through past interactions. This section displays topics with inputs that the bot did not recognize or handle effectively. It groups similar queries together, which you can then use to improve the bot's responses.




  • This is where questions that the chatbot couldn't handle are shown for further training.
  • Clusters of similar inputs are created to understand user intent more effectively.
  • Allows for the assignment of these inputs to existing blocks or creation of new ones for better handling in the future.

AI Response

  • All AI-generated responses are logged here for moderation and review.
  • Each entry is associated with a confidence level indicating how well the AI thinks it has handled the input.
  • Users can review and edit AI responses to train the generative AI model, improving accuracy and relevance.


  • A historical log of all the training done by users of the app.
  • Accountability features show which user trained which block and when, ensuring quality control.
  • Responses in the Trained section have been previously vetted and are in active use by the chatbot.

Training Interface:

  • Each input is accompanied by a transcript of the chat, providing context for the conversation and better insight for training.
  • The interface provides options to edit, approve, or mark as spam, ensuring the bot's continuous learning and refinement.
  • Response scores are provided to guide the user on how well the bot's response fits the input, with the possibility to revise and improve these responses.


The Training section is integral to evolving your chatbot's intelligence and ensuring it remains a valuable asset for user engagement. By meticulously reviewing past interactions and continuously training the bot, you can significantly improve its effectiveness and user satisfaction.

FAQ Section

Q: How often should I check the Training section? A: It's good practice to review the Training section regularly, such as weekly, to keep your chatbot up to date.

Q: What is the 'confidence level,' and how is it determined? A: The confidence level is an AI's measure of how accurately it believes it has responded to a query, based on its trained data.

Q: How does the clustering of similar inputs work? A: Clustering algorithms group similar inputs together based on their semantic meaning, making it easier to train the bot.

Q: Is it possible to automate the training process? A: While some aspects can be automated, human oversight is crucial for quality control.

Q: Can more than one user train the same response? A: Yes, multiple users can work on the same responses, but it's important to coordinate to ensure consistency.

Q: How do I handle conflicting inputs in the training process? A: Review the context of the conversation and use your best judgment to provide the most accurate and helpful response.

Q: What if I train a response incorrectly? A: You can always go back and retrain or edit the response if you notice any inaccuracies.

For further assistance or detailed training guidelines, our customer support team is at your service to ensure you have all the necessary resources to train your chatbot effectively.