2023 - September


The document communicates the newly developed features which are deployed and made available on Botco.ai.

Release Version

New Release Version: 2023 – September

Enable Transcript Attribute for mapping in integrations

You can now map the attribute _transcript to any integration passing along the user transcript to the receiving endpoint (CRM, EHR, live chat, etc…).

Auto-open widget custom parameter to disable on mobile

Customers wanted the chatbot widget to open automatically when their website loads but only on desktop but not on mobile.

  apiKey: 'botco_api_tMlG8IE8q5ANjEi7RRelo_16719',
  open: "desktop"

Allowing chatbots an option to NOT RETAIN Chat history

Many of our healthcare customers are concerned about data privacy and security, and would like to err on the side of caution. They have expressed a desire for an option to not retain chat history of a user in the chat widget to avoid a situation where multiple users are using the same browser or desktop and have access to the chat history of another user.

	saveHistory: false