Add Your Welcome Message: Creating a Warm First Interaction with Your Chatbot

Feb 5, 2024 9:37 PM

Add a Welcome message

When launching your chatbot, the welcome message is your first opportunity to engage users and set the tone for the interaction. It's essential to craft a greeting that's not only warm and welcoming but also guides users on how to proceed.

Crafting a Custom Welcome Message In the Authoring section of your app, you'll find the ability to compose your chatbot's welcome message. This is the initial communication users will encounter, so it's crucial to make it count.

  1. Navigate to the 'Authoring' tab on the main sidebar.
  2. Click on the 'Welcome Message' card to edit the existing template.
  3. In the message field, write a personal greeting that aligns with your brand's voice and tone.

Adding Quick Replies for Immediate Engagement Beneath your welcome text, provide users with Quick Reply buttons. These are call-to-action options that facilitate easy navigation to the most sought-after information or actions.

  1. Use the 'Add Button' function to create a set of responses that your chatbot can quickly provide.
  2. Label each button with clear, action-driven text like 'Get a Demo', 'View Customer Stories', or 'Chat over SMS'.
  3. Optionally, attach attributes to each Quick Reply to help segment user interactions for future insights.

Testing and Refining Your Message Before going live, test the interactivity of your welcome message and Quick Replies.

  1. Click the 'Preview' button to open a chat window simulation.
  2. Interact with your chatbot as a user would, clicking on Quick Replies to ensure they lead to the correct follow-up actions or information.

Final Touches and Going Live Once you've fine-tuned your welcome message and Quick Replies:

  1. Review the entire interaction flow for any possible improvements.
  2. When satisfied, click 'Save' to keep your changes.
  3. Your welcome message is now set to greet users as they engage with your chatbot for the first time.

By personalizing your welcome message and providing immediate interaction options, you set a friendly and helpful tone for the user's experience with your chatbot.

What's Next?

  • InstaStack: Add generative AI capabilities to your chatbot.
  • Deploy: Share your chatbot with the world (or just your website visitors, up to you!)