InstaStack Card: Answer users questions using Generative AI applied on your data.

Feb 5, 2024 8:50 PM

InstaStack Card

Integrate Your Data with InstaStack Card The platform offers a seamless way to add a depth of knowledge to your chatbot through the InstaStack card. This feature allows your chatbot to access and utilize the wealth of information you've accumulated in your knowledge base, giving it the power to respond with precision and relevance.


Implementing InstaStack in Your Chatbot

  1. Navigate to Authoring: Within your workspace, select the 'Authoring' section where you can craft your chatbot's responses.
  2. Insert InstaStack Card: Click on the 'No Match' block, which is designed to handle any user inputs that don't have a predefined response. Here you can add an InstaStack card by selecting it from the available options.
  3. Select Your Collection: Choose the collection from your InstaStack that you want the chatbot to reference. Collections are essentially categories of information that are relevant to different parts of your product or service.
  4. Customize the Prompt: Tailor the prompt to guide your chatbot on how to use the information from the collection. This could be a directive to answer specific questions about your company or to provide information on a particular topic.

The Benefits of Using InstaStack Card

  • Relevancy: By linking directly to your curated collections, your chatbot can provide highly relevant information, improving the user experience.
  • Efficiency: InstaStack card allows your chatbot to pull data directly from your knowledge base, cutting down response times significantly.
  • Scalability: As your knowledge base grows, so does the capability of your chatbot to handle a wider array of queries without extra programming.

Example Usage of InstaStack Card

  • Customer Support: Equip your chatbot with an InstaStack card linked to a customer support collection to answer FAQs efficiently.
  • Product Information: If a user inquires about product specifications, an InstaStack card can draw the relevant data to provide accurate details.
  • Resource Guidance: For users needing documentation or guides, an InstaStack card can direct them to the right resources without manual intervention.

Remember, the power of your chatbot's responses is directly proportional to the richness of your InstaStack knowledge base. By strategically using the InstaStack card, you ensure your chatbot is not just a communicator but an informed assistant capable of delivering value with every interaction.